By signing this agreement, between coach Camilla Hasloch and (Name of Client), will begin on {insert agreed date} and will continue for a minimum of one session. The fee for one, sixty minute session is $360 AUD.
The services to be provided by the coach to the client are coaching or tele-coaching, as designed jointly with the client. Coaching, which is not advice, therapy, or counselling, may address specific personal projects, business successes, or general conditions in the client’s life or profession.
The client and coach agree to provide each other with a fourteen-day notice in the event either wishes to cancel further services. It should be noted that the monthly fee is calculated based on an average of four weeks per month.
The coach promises the client that all information provided to the coach will be kept strictly confidential. Throughout the working relationship, the coach will engage in direct and personal conversations. The client can count on the coach to be honest and straightforward in asking questions and making requests.
The client understands that the power of the coaching relationship can be granted only by the client, and the client agrees to do just that: have the coaching relationship be powerful. If the client believes the coaching is not working as desired, the client will communicate that belief and take action to return the power to the coaching relationship.
Our signatures on this agreement indicate full understanding of and agreement with the information outlined above.
__________________________________________________________________________________ Client Date
__________________________________________________________________________________ Coach Date
What you agree to by signing this agreement:
You agree to respect our time by being on time for each of the calls.
You agree to be open to learning from everything that happens in your life, especially within our coaching experience together.
You agree to express yourself authentically, truthfully, and unarguably.
You agree to keep all of your agreements, and to take full responsibility for your choices, actions and results.
You agree to make sure that our coaching sessions are powerful and on target.
You agree to take 100% responsibility for getting the results that you want out of your agreed amount of coaching sessions.
I, _______________________ understand and agree that by participating in this coaching program, my experience and the results thereof, are solely based upon my level of participation.
Please initial the following:
______ I choose to participate in this program knowing at this time that I have emotions and that they may surface at any point in the course of this program. I may also experience emotions and experiences that reflect and/or remind me of past experiences.
______ I understand that what my coach may ask me to do things that can feel uncomfortable. I agree to try on what she asks at least once before choosing to not follow coaching advice.
______ I understand that each session is designed to take me deep into what isn’t working in my business and life and to support me to come out the other side. I agree to and am willing to emotionally go deep.
______ I agree that there is a possibility that strong emotions may come up and I may at that time be tempted to allow this to stop me from completing this program.
______ I understand that my coach can also choose to remove me from the program if she feels that I am not taking the necessary actions and making the necessary adjustments to create desired progress and results.
______ I understand that my transformation and success with this program is based upon my personal actions and to the level or degree that I apply them.
All parties involved agree to the following way of being:
Every day and in every way, I cultivate transparency within myself and in my relationships.
I commit to act with full integrity, to wholeheartedly and creatively keep all agreements I make, and when necessary, to change agreements consciously, and realign myself with integrity at times that I discover it to be necessary.
I commit to listen consciously in all communications. I commit to communicate and invite feedback with wonder and love. I lead, learn and listen with appreciation.
I begin with myself and apply myself in all situations with the intention to be of service.
I understand that I will be added to the mailing list and I can unsubscribe at any time.
I understand that I will be added to the mailing list and I can unsubscribe at any time.