Identify your strengths to excel in your career

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It's Time To Stop Making Excuses!

Find a career aligned to your passions

Despite endless opportunities in the current corporate arena, studies show that 80% of Professionals are unhappy and feel unfulfilled in their current corporate careers.

Are you one of the 80%?

Gain new qualifications - it's not Expensive

Only 20% of corporate professionals believe they have landed their dream jobs!

This means a staggering majority of the population are feeling the same as you, it can only mean one thing.

Our careers need to evolve!

Set up a side hustle before you transition full time!

With six proven steps, that will take you from stuck corporate professional in a career that sucks, to soul driven career finder, our step by step road map sets you up for total soul driven career success.

It's time to Start your new Career Journey!

It’s Time To Love Your Career Again

With one-on-one coaching and group support, you've found a safe place to dig deep and nurture your inner soul driven career transition.




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This is a comprehensive One on One Personalised soul driven career transition coaching program.

Where you will:

The Blueprint For Your Soul Driven Career Change

Session #1

2 hour one on one coaching

Get to know yourself

By the end of the session you unpack your personal values, talents and skills for future career fulfilment by identifying your unique Core Gifts.

You will create a successful mindset for career transition.

Session #2

1 hour one on one coaching

Create your Soul Driven Career

By the end of the session you create your soul driven career and understand why it aligns to your soul and purpose.

You will also discover through the Career Fitter Assessment that your new soul driven career aligns perfectly with who you are!


Session #3

1 hour one on one coaching

Develop your dream career path plan

By the end of the session you develop your dream career path plan with intentions and milestones to achieve your soul driven career transition.

Templates are provided to chart your roadmap to soul driven career success.

Session #4

1 hour one on one coaching

Prepare your soul driven career transition

By the end of the session you will have a career transition plan strategy with timelines and actions laid out for success.

Templates are provided for career strategy transition, financial management, business and consulting set yourself up for success.

Session #5

1 hour one on one coaching

Make it happen

By the end of the session you will have the tool kit and blueprint to achieve soul driven career success.

No excuses - your soul driven career is reality





Session #6

1 hour one on one coaching

Become the best!

By the end of the session you will have created a career transition/business road map to the career you’ve always dreamed of.




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Put the techniques you learn from the one on one development sessions into practice during weekly group coaching sessions. This is a safe place where everyone is working on their own soul driven career transition journey.

Before each group session, create your primary career transition coaching objectives.  Soul driven career changers find weekly group coaching sessions a powerful way to learn that others are having similar struggles and hear the creative ways they are showing up for themselves creating their unique soul driven career transition journeys.

Group coaching helps you move through blockers, find inspiration from others and know that you aren't alone on the journey.

Find motivation from others to move yourself forward.

We can’t wait to connect and grow with you!

My name is Camilla, the creator of Soul driven career transition.

Camilla is a Positive Psychology Practitioner, neuro-science coach, Leadership and Career development practitioner who specialises in creating and developing soul driven career transitions for everyone who wants to exit the corporate world. However, that wasn't always the case, after spending nearly thirty years in the corporate arena chasing leadership positions in Human Resources.

 In 2016, I was feeling the guilt of being a working Mum in an Global Leadership position which required relentless travel and unsocial hours. I asked for voluntary redundancy unsurprisingly, it didn't come my way the first time around. Finally, I was given the opportunity to leave an incredible career spanning a decade with IBM to embark on a soul driven career transition.  

A self-confessed continuous learner, I have completed numerous qualifications (MBA and post grads) and Coaching certifications.

I have helped 1000's of clients find and develop soul driven careers through one on one coaching and group coaching programs. Their feedback and suggestions have lead to the creation of the Soul driven career transition program.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery and unapologetic confidence to find and nail your soul driven career transition.



Have you ever felt like something is missing in your work life? Like no matter how much career success you have, you feel something doesn't feel right, you can't put your finger on it...

Is it now the time to investigate and discover what it is?

If so, then the Soul Driven Career transition one on one coaching program and community is definitely for you.

We will help you tune out of the current world around you and break down your corporate career walls. Once you've gotten to know how to light your career fire on the inside, we will teach you how to align to a soul driven career with a plan and strategy that is guaranteed career success and fulfilment. 


Soul driven career transition Program

The ultimate personalised six step career transition program

  • Immediate access to one on one coaching
  • Printable workbooks and Journal 
  • Live phone, text, and video support
  • Weekly accountability check ins
  • Discounts for insurance,  accountants, social media strategists, VA's, graphic designerss and other professionals needs
  • Specialists on hand to support website development, LI and IG marketing and other business needs.
  • Business set up consulting services 

Content and tool kits

Ongoing training and development to support your soul driven career

  • Immediate access to all career transition tool kits
  • Access to weekly group coaching calls
  • Access to starting a thriving business toolkits
  • Unique blueprints created for you to succeed
  • Monthly masterclass with specialist speaker to support your soul driven career transition



High energy soul driven career changers who can pass on tips and share experiences

  • Virtual group meet ups - learn and be inspired by others
  • Guest Transition changer Workshops
  • Weekly community topics
  • Mini challenges
  • quarterly planning challenges
  •  Network to grow your business
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Frequently asked Questions

5 Essential Questions to Transform Your Career Watch the 5-Minute Demo Video

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