Attention for those who hate their current job who want to quit and secure a job they love!
5 Essential Questions to Transform Your CareerÂ
Watch the 5-Minute Demo Video and Take the Quiz!
We've generated 100's of career success stories which all started with 5 powerful questions outlined on this video.
Watch it now before the secrets out and everyone gets their hands on them.
You will find out how prepared you are for the career success journey ahead
Start here - Watch the video and take the quizFinally...A Quick & Easy Way To Quit A Job You Hate!
BY USING THE Road to Freedom APPROACH...

Work out why you need to quit

Prepare a roadmap for career success

Approach a job search working full time. Stress Free

A blueprint to quit your job professionally.

Onboard your new role for impact and success.
 Who Is Camilla Hasloch to make such claims?
Over the last thirty years I have shown hundreds of people who hate their jobs how easy it is to quiet quit without compromising performance, how to cope with juggling a jobsearch whilst working full time, quit without losing friends and start a new role with impact for success.
Simply Follow Our Blueprint....
Finding your dream role when you are in a position you hate can be much easier than you think. Many people simply don’t know the correct steps to take which means they never start the journey and stay in a role they hate. I have done all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is follow my step-by-step blueprint and you will quit that role you hate in no time!
88% Of Professionals Who Hate Their job Will Never Find Career Success Without The Right HelpÂ
Sadly, 88% of professionals who hate their jobs will never reach their desired career destiny. It’s not their fault, they just haven’t been taught the right way to quit, find and secure a job they love. It doesn’t have to be this way for you though.
I can show you exactly what I did to help 100's of professionals find and secure careers they love and how our clients were able to stop job hopping and find career fulfillment, using the same strategies. Jump into a Road to Freedom today to see how you can achieve a similar result, and do it much faster than you ever thought was possible.
There Are 3 Reasons Why you haven't quite your job yet!
Watch this video, to learn what they are  Â
WARNING: You Could Be At Serious Risk Of Quitting The Job You Hate!Â
What people are saying about The Road to Freedom Program
"I started to resent the role I had been in for 15 years! I had no idea how go about leaving. The Road to Freedom, gave me the tools and confidence to quit my job."
-Megan, ACT
"A New Director decided to make my life a misery. I had no choice but to start looking for a new position. The Road to Freedom blueprint helped me through the nerveracking process."
- Lilette, Victoria
"It began to get interesting after a restructure and I was placed in a role I hated. The Road to Freedom, gave me the confidence to find a new role, it worked brilliantly."
- Sarah, WA
Thought it would look good to stay in a role you hate? Bad idea! I will show you why this is a HUGE mistake and how it leaves you open to career heartache.
The Old Myths & Downright Lies Told By The Recrutiment Industry
Many people still believe these old wives-tales and dirty lies told by the Recruitment industry – find out what they are so you can protect yourself
The Proven quit Strategies We’ve Used To help 90% of our clients quit and find a career they love.Â
I will reveal the bullet proof strategies I have used to achieve impressive results for my clients consistently for the past 25 years
The Devastating Mistakes Made By Virtually All Job Quitters
Nearly every person looking to quit their jobs make these common yet fatal mistakes – find out what they are so you can avoid them!
3 Simple Tips To find and secure your dream role
These strategies can help you secure the elusive dream role YEARS faster than you ever thought possible
Preparing a new career direction and exit strategy plan
 So you have decided to quit! Now what? Learn how to create your ideal position and officially quit your current job the right way, without burning bridges and having your current Manager as your referee. You will also learn how to keep the door open if the grass isn't greener on the otherside.
It's Quit Time
Put your new career direction and exit plan in place using our foolproof templates for finding and securing your new role.

Introducing your Coach, Camilla!
I went from Global HR Lead to building NBHR Consulting and Glass Ceiling Career Management.
  After leaving the corporate world I focussed on my passion for health and fitness building a successful fitness business called Milla's Squad. From there I learnt how to empower individuals to be the best version of themselves which led me to starting Glassceilingcareermanagement focussing on helping professionals around the world fulfill their career aspirations.
   I then saw a gap in the market for frustrated and time poor professionals which steered me in the direction of creating self paced career programs and a Free professional development community.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence to nail your career fulfillment.

Our Rock-Solid 100% Money-Back Guarantee
When you sign up for The Road to Freedom, you can invest with confidence because you’ll always be covered by my money back guarantee. In the extremely unlikely event we can’t help you quit your job. I will refund every cent you’ve invested with me – no questions asked.
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This comprehensive course will help you elevate your life through finding your dream career.